MIRACLE OR METHOD? | How Mind Detox was born.

Introduction from Mind Detox book - By Sandy C. Newbigging


WHERE IS MY BABY? Is there something wrong? My tired mum anxiously asked. “You said you’d bring him back for feeding hours ago, but nobody’s brought him, I’m worried that he must be hungry by now.” This is the conversation that my mum had with a nurse, hours after giving birth to me...

The run-up to that moment was also a super-stressful time, for both of my parents. I tried to come early and my mum had labour pains for several weeks. When I did finally arrive I was a very big baby, ten pounds to be precise. Chubby would be an understatement, and as I was a rather worrying colour of blue, the hospital staff promptly removed me from my mother’s arms to get extra oxygen, and then on to the nursery.

This was my welcome to the world. Being taken from my mum to spend hours alone without care and food. It didn’t matter that it was an innocent oversight by the hospital staff. I didn’t know that then. My upset feelings came from my perhaps natural, yet misinformed perceptions, which were fuelled by what I thought had happened. Without knowing the reality of the situation, I continued my life unaware of the event ever happening, along with the unresolved trauma and toxic belief that had been unconsciously created that day. Subsequently, I had no idea the event and belief had been screwing with my life, from behind the scenes, for several years. It wasn’t until I did a Mind Detox (over three decades later) that the ramifications of being left alone after my birth were finally revealed and resolved.

Life On My Island of Loneliness

I lived with an underlying angst that I was alone in the world and ultimately unwanted. It didn’t matter how often people said they loved me or that they wanted me around, I never believed it, and acted accordingly. Inwardly I existed like an island, feeling lonely, left out, isolated and unworthy of love. I created a range of corrosive coping strategies that ended up ruining the majority of my relationships. I believed that I was bothering people with my mere presence. The ways I felt and acted also messed with my ability to make money and limited other areas of my life, too.

Using the simple yet profound [Mind Detox] method outlined within this book, I discovered that my birth made me feel “Sad, scared and alone because I’m not wanted”. It made sense, seeing as that was how I’d secretly felt for most of my life.

Despite it being obvious, up to this point I had been completely oblivious to carrying this emotionally charged incorrect conclusion around with me, until the day I did Mind Detox. Through the process I was able to get peace with the past event by acknowledging that my parents did actually want me; in fact they never wanted me to be taken away from them in the first place.There was no reason to be scared because I was reunited, fed, taken care of and ultimately, I survived. Taking on board these “knowings” from my older and wiser present-day self, I felt calm when recalling the past series of events surrounding my birth and my underlying chronic loneliness dissolved. This also caused the old toxic belief of being unwanted to have no legs to stand on and to lose its power to adversely impact me any longer.

I’ve since learned that even if we begin life with no spoken words, we are able to feel what’s going on from before our first breath. Later in life, we learn to use words to convey how we feel – but feelings are fuelling the formation of our beliefs from the get-go. As most of our strong beliefs are created before our teenage years, during a period in our life when we have little life experience, they are often misinformed and downright wrong. Meaning that even the earliest of events can impact our entire life – unless we proactively discover our misinformed beliefs and update them.This is what the Mind Detox method is essentially for, and why it has positively impacted thousands of lives worldwide.

We have all had challenging events happen to us, and as a consequence, formed a few incorrect conclusions that are working against us being the healthiest, happiest and most successful versions of our self. With this book you can heal the hidden parts of your mind that have been secretly hindering you, and move forward with more freedom and fulfilment.

Mind Detox gives us the ability to live our best life today; without unresolved stuff from the past pulling us back.

Giving Birth to My Own Method

Fresh out of university with a big desire brewing in my belly to make a positive difference, I had a chance encounter with a life coach and decided to train as one myself. Despite graduating at the top of my class, I noticed that even when my clients agreed upon strong success strategies, they would often return with their tail between their legs saying that they couldn’t actually bring themselves to do what we had agreed. It became clear that their unresolved past “stuff ”, i.e. negative emotions, limiting beliefs and habitual behaviour patterns were preventing them, big time.

Motivated to find ways of working deeper, I sought out more systems of self-transformation to add to my coaching toolkit, including the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). After a few years of successfully offering coaching with a therapeutic twist, I received an invitation that led to a series of surprising events, which resulted in me giving birth to my own method.

I was invited to work as a therapist on a detox health retreat in southern Spain. With no idea of what to expect (at that time I thought detox was only for drug addicts!), I packed my bag and headed off for a week in the sun. It rained heavily the entire time! I’m not sure if it was the weather that week or what, but my therapy schedule quickly became fully booked.

In more ways than just the location, I found myself in unfamiliar territory. Many of the detoxers were attending the retreat because they were suffering from chronic condi- tions. During that week I was to meet people suffering with migraines, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), infertility, bulimia, obesity and psoriasis. This meant that not only was I suddenly working in the field of “health”, but also, due to my busy schedule, I only had a limited amount of time with each of them.

A Fortunate Coincidence

Two weeks prior to going to Spain I had been invited to a talk by Dr David R. Hamilton, an ex-scientist and expert in the mind–body connection. (Come to think of it, on another very wet day, this time just outside Glasgow, Scotland.) During that mind-blowing talk, David shared a whole host of scientific studies that had investigated the power of the mind–body connection, including the mind’s ability to heal the body.

With his message springing to the forefront of my own mind a couple of weeks later in Spain, I knew I had to update my approach, fast. Clutching at straws, but wanting to do what I could to help, I knew that I was able to assist the detoxers with their mental and emotional health. With no clue as to where the coaching session might go, I suggested to my first client that we explore whether there might be any unresolved issues from their past that could be causing their physical problems today. With their agreement we proceeded.

Hmmm, To My Next Question...

I had no idea what to ask! I remember looking down at my blank notebook and then up again to meet the expectant eyes of my client. I decided to keep it simple by asking if there was an event in her life that might be causing her health condition, such that if we were to resolve it, the body would heal.

To both of our amazements, she instantly had an answer; a memory had “popped into her mind”. With the help of a few more questions, we could see a possible link between the unresolved past event and her current condition. Once we had established the possible mind-based cause, we then spent the rest of our time together getting peace with the past memory and the session was done.

Time after time, in session after session, this happened with great success. Over the coming months I regularly witnessed remissions from health conditions; I saw skin conditions clear up, chronic pain vanish and digestion problems disappear, to name but a few. I also witnessed the resolution and subsequent improvement of many other emotional issues and life problems, all from doing one thing – making peace with the past.

Lucky Break

News about my method, which by this point was becoming known as “Mind Detox” then spread internationally when I was shown on three separate television series documenting people going through a week-long mind–body detox retreat. During these televised retreats, many thousands of viewers were able to watch people from all backgrounds cure a range of common health conditions – by taking a holistic approach to healing. The media exposure and subsequent book deals led to the opportunity of working with countless Mind Detox clients at my clinics, workshops and retreats internationally.

It’s a Miracle! (Or Is It?)

Over time I became curious. Was I witnessing to miracles? Was I some kind of gifted healer? Or had I simply stumbled across a method of healing chronic conditions and persistent life problems that could be transferable and used by others?

Over the following year I started using the same series of questions to discover and resolve the mind-based cause(s) of my clients’ various issues. Quickly it became evident that the power of the method was the method itself. This was exciting especially as I couldn’t be everywhere people needed the method and there’s only a limited number of hours a day in which I could personally do Mind Detox sessions. For more people to benefit, the method being used without my direct involvement was an absolute must. This also presented the opportunity of creating a network of trained practitioners; so I founded an academy and started training and certifying others in the Mind Detox method.

Somebody somewhere is benefiting from Mind Detox today.

Transcending the Torment of Mental Toxicity

Mind Detox is a proven way to find and fix the possible mind-based causes of physical, emotional and life problems. If something negative is happening in your body or your life and you don’t know why, then this method can help. It enables you to get peace with the past and, in doing so, update any misinformed beliefs that have been messing with your physical wellness, mental positivity and life success. You will learn that when you change your mind, by perceiving your past, present and future in a more positive light, the body can heal and life improve, quickly.

As the name suggests, Mind Detox is a tool for letting go of anything toxic that is preventing you from being at your best. I believe we are born with brilliance built in, but if we are holding on to unresolved stuff from the past, it is harder to engage our natural states of inner peace and immense poten- tial. Whether it is hurt, rejection, anger, resentment, guilt, grief, fear or sadness, for example, you can let go and be clear of it all, to the point that your past no longer limits you, or causes you upset, stress or suffering.

Mind Detox is a way to finally forgive and find peace, which is required for reclaiming our power, peace and potential.

Freed from the torment of mental toxicity, we are clear- headed, open hearted, heroic humans. With no excess baggage to carry, we do what we came here to do, and with a zest and love for life. We are a peaceful, proactive and positive presence in the world.

Mind Detox is also pleasantly direct, going quickly to the root of any issue, and doesn’t involve years of therapy. It is the go-to tool for people needing to get peace with the past and who know that their mind is standing in the way of their success.

Pure Perception and The Peace Prize

Peace with the past is possible. I know this from successfully Mind Detoxing hundreds of people, many of whom had rather extreme events and experiences needing resolved. How we perceive past events determines whether we endure problems or experience peace. Are we looking through a mental lens that is clouded by toxic assumptions, beliefs or attitudes? If so, we lack pure perception.

These three elements distort our remembering of things that have happened in our past and justify a reactive resistance towards what we think happened.The combination of impure perception and reactive resistance creates chronic stress, nega- tive emotions, problematic behavioural patterns and, in some cases, ill-health. In short, if there is an absence of peace with the past, then we can be sure there is also an absence of pure perception.

Our perceptions are pure when we see the entirety of reality, as it actually is, rather than seeing a falsif ied edited version of reality, based upon our assumptions, beliefs and attitudes.

Being at peace with the past requires us to return to the truth of reality, where resolution is waiting for us. Until we do this, our life is defined and determined by a series of fictitious fantasies, imagined by our mind, which are only a relative reality (similar to a dream or convincing story). It is the stories that we make up and tell ourselves about life – distorted by our impure perceptions – that hurt and hinder us over time. When we uncover the truth of reality, we automatically and immediately find the hidden treasures of forgiveness, wisdom, understanding and acceptance.

Our eventual fate will be the sum of the stories we told ourselves long enough.

If truth and the prize of peace is what we want, we must be willing to question our assumptions and challenge our beliefs stemming from what we think happened. We need to instead see what really went on. Mind Detox involves the answering of a series of questions that help us to discover the truth of any given situation and, in doing so, find resolution in the recognition of reality. Before we get into the actual 5-Step Method (in Part Two), here are three introductory questions to ask now to get started:

  • Are my facts about what happened actually fictions?

  • Is the real problem my perceptions of the past?

  • Do I want to be right or do I want to be at peace?

Consider a problematic past event within the context of these three initial questions and notice what happens within you. The simple act of questioning your assumptions can crack open an inner door through which peace becomes possible. Little can be done to improve things if you are adamant that the past happened how you currently believe it did. However, if you are open to perceiving your past with fresh eyes and from a more positive and empowered perspective, then Mind Detox can work wonders.

Become Curious About the Cause

In my observations, the causes of many physical, emotional and life circumstantial problems exist within the more subtle (unconscious) realms of the mind. This can make them very difficult to find and fix – unless you know how. With Mind Detox you have a powerful method for doing exactly this, so that you can be free from persistent problems and enjoy a more positive and prosperous life.

With Mind Detox you can find what I call the Root-Cause Reason, which, as you will learn, is justifying the existence of one or more toxic beliefs. I say toxic because, left unresolved; they are a breeding ground for a host of health conditions and life problems. Toxic beliefs are bad for us because they justify inner resistance, which you will learn is a secret source of stress

Mind Detox simplifies therapy, makes self-help helpful and speeds up self-healing – so everyone is able to enjoy the best life.

It’s Never Too Late

Our levels of happiness, health, wealth and success are a perfect reflection of our relationship with life. If you have an unhealthy relationship with life then you will often resist what happens and feel bad, get stressed and suffer. However, with a healthy relationship with life you live with enhanced inner peace and harmony. In turn, your body endures less harmful stress, your emotions are more naturally upbeat and you are empowered – no longer engaging or enduring a self-limiting mindset. By making peace with your past, your body can heal, and by cleansing toxic beliefs about yourself, others and life, you more easily create the life you want. It’s a genuine win-win.

As you use and eventually embody this method, to the point that it becomes automatic, you gain a self-perpetuating peace with anything in the past, present and future. Hindsight speeds up and you get to see the perfection of your life path, as it unfolds. It is so liberating! They say it’s never too late to have a happy childhood. I would agree, while also inviting us to not limit it to the past. It’s never too late to enjoy a happy life, starting now.